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Our Story

Hey there! Our names are Brittany and Jen. We are two Lexington moms who not only happen to be neighbors, but sweet friends as well! Through our friendship, we came to discover that both of us have a passion for helping others and bringing joy into others' lives through gifting! It's been a wonderful way to reflect our beliefs, faith, and sense of purpose!

About Us

Curated Goods & Gifts was founded in 2021. What started out as Brittany making closing gifts for her husband's job, quickly transpired into Brittany and Jen joining forces and making gifts for anyone and any occasion. Both love to make things beautiful and unique and gifting is such a joy! Curated Goods & Gifts has helped businesses elevate their customer service, has allowed individual people to give something specifically curated to their recipient without any stress as to what to give and where to find certain items, and has partnered with charities and foundations to make a true difference in the community.  This gifting business has made a large impact in the lives of many and has certainly changed the game of gifting!


Meet The Team

Brittany Parker

Brittany is married to a local realtor and has two kids. A college freshman and a sweet toddler occupy most of her time as a stay at home mom. Brittany has background in teaching, as well as in sales and advertising. She enjoys ALL people and helping and serving others. She loves spending time with her family and friends, being outdoors and traveling to new places. Supporting local businesses, staying involved in the community and exploring up and coming parts of town are a few things Brittany enjoys to do in her spare time. She loves the Lord, loves giving back and enjoys making things pretty.

Jennifer King

Jen is a redeemed by grace Jesus follower who is blessed to be married for 20 years, and has two awesome teenage boys! When her time isn't being spent wearing all the hats it takes to run a tight ship at home, she enjoys singing, playing piano and decorating or designing ANY space! She loves to bring people joy through aesthetically pleasing and thoughtful gifts! She cherishes time in God's Word, and her time with family and friends!

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